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קטע קריאה באנגלית לתלמידי כיתות יא-יב ?Did You Know

התרגיל מיועד לתלמידים בכיתות י"א-י"ב.

הוראות לתלמידים: קראו את כתבה מתחילתה ועד סופה. היעזרו במילון שמתחת לכתבה כדי להבין את הטקסט. לאחר הקריאה הראשונה מומלץ לערוך קריאה שנייה, כדי שלוודא התוכן מובן לכם.

Albert Einstein

KATE LEVIN, Published on March, 2019 in the ג'רוזלם פוסט סטריט

March 14th is a big day for science as there are a few things happening that day: first, there is Pi Day — a day which celebrates one of the most famous numbers in math, 3.14. Next, it is the day when Stephen Hawking

— one of the greatest scientists of our time — passed away. And finally, it is also Albert Einstein’s birthday. So wish Einstein a happy birthday and check out these cool facts about him.

Yes, Einstein was smart — very smart actually, but he didn’t show it right away. Little Albert didn’t speak until he was three years old. That is great news for all of you late bloomers out there. So it took him some time to start speaking, but he caught up pretty quickly. Einstein’s interest in science started when he was just five years old. His father showed him a compass and he was just amazed with the way the small needle kept pointing in

When Einstein was all grown up with a great scientific career, he still made sure he had time for hobbies. He liked playing the violin and sailing his boat “Tinef” (which means “worthless” in Yiddish).

After the death of Chaim Weizmann (Israel’s first president), Einstein was asked if he would like to be Israel’s second president. Sadly, Einstein said no because he didn’t think he could deal with people in a way that a president should. Israel’s second president ended up being Yitzhak Ben-Zvi.

Many would think that a scientist such as Einstein would ask that his body would be donated to science after he dies. Surprisingly, he specifically asked that it would be burnt. However, not many people know that it didn’t really happen — Thomas Harvey, the pathologist who worked on Einstein’s body right after he died, stole Einstein’s brain and ran away with it. How crazy is that?

Dictionary מילון قاموس

  • Dictionary , قاموس , מילון
  • Science , علم , מדע
  • Celebrates , يحتفل , חוגג
  • Late bloomers , ذوو التط ّور المتأخر, מתפתחים מאוחר
  • Compass , بوصلة , מצפן
  • Needle , إبرة , מחט
  • Sailing , يبحر, מפליג
  • Worthless, عديم القيمة, חסרת תועלת
  • President , رئيس , נשיא
  • Donated, يت ّم التب ّرع به, תיתרם